четвер, 3 листопада 2016 р.

Тема:»Спорт в нашому житті.» «Sport in our live».
Практична мета: Актуалізувати відомості з теми « Спорт», удосконалювати навички читання, перекладу , сприяти вживанню лексики в мовленнєвій діяльності,формувати монологічне та діалогічне мовлення на основі вивченої лексики.
Розвиваюча: розвивати мислення, творчу уяву, комунікативні здібності, спонукати учнів до розв’язання поставлених навчальних завдань, створюючи ситуації з реального життя з метою заохочення учнів висловлювати свою думку.
Виховна: виховувати чуття мови, бажання спілкуватися зі своїми ровесниками, виховувати повагу до друзів та позитивне ставлення до занять спортом, дотримання правил здорового способу життя.
Обладнання: мультимедійне обладнання, презентація,роздатковий матеріал, флеш-картки для оцінювання/медальки/

                                                   Хід уроку:
1       Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення
Introduction 1. Привітання.
T: Good morning , my dear new children!
       Let me introduce myself
       My name is Svitlana Volodymyrivna.
       I am your teacher of English today.
       I am so happy to see all of you today.
       There are some guests  at our lesson.
Lets greet them.

2. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.
T:   Well done! Today we are going to speak about different kinds of sport, you will speak about your favourite  sport  and sportsmen. You know, sport is very important to everybody. Do you agree with me?
P-I- Yes, I do…
T: Well, the motto of our lesson is “Sport is health, strength, and fun ”. Translate it please.
3.Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.
T:  I’d like to start our lesson with the phonetic  warming up.(Відео ролик «Say it right»)
T: Now, let’s refresh the vocabulary .
    Look at the pictures of different kinds of sport. You should first name them, then write them in your exercise-books, check  the spelling . At last if you make mistakes, correct them please. Let’s start!
4. Основна частина уроку
Закріплення вживання лексичних одиниць
T. You are very active!
Now let’s do the next activity.
Do we play football or do football? Let’s read the first explanation in the box on page 66. (учні читають )
- “We use play with the ball games”
-“We use go with sports ending in ing”
-“We use do with other sports”
T. Let’s write down different kinds of sport into three columns.
The first row will write the words into the first column
The second – into the second

The third – into the third column.
5. Thank you for your work.
And now let’s have some relax and do some exercises
6. Розвиток мовленнєвих навичок  .
T. And now I have some surprise for you. The pupil of  the gymnasium of M-Kotsiubyns’k came to our lesson. He wants to speak with you very much and ask some questions about sport in your life.
Andrii: Good day! I am glad to meet you! My name is Andrew. I am a pupil of the gymnasium of M-Kotsiubyns’k
I am a pupil of the sixth form.
I want to make new friends and I’d like to know some interesting information about your sport life. Can I ask you some questions?
1) Do you like sport ?
2) What kinds of sport do you go in for?
3) How many PE lessons a week do you have?
4) Who is your teacher of PE?
5) What is your favorite sport?
6) What sport games  do you enjoy the most?
7) What sport do you do in summer?
8) What kind of sport do you prefer in winter?
9) Who is your favorite sportsman?
10) Who is the best sportsman in your сlass?
      What kind of sport do you go in for ?
11) What sport do you watch or TV?
12) What famous sportsmen do you Know?
Thank you for your answers. It was very interesting conversation. I want to give you the web site address of my site page in VK. I’ll be waiting for your messages. If you want - ask me some questions too. What are you interested in? I’d like to show you the film about sport in our gym.
7.Перевірка домашнього завдання
 Now, let’s go on our lesson and check up your hometask.
      Your task was to prepare a report  ( about sport in your life).
Відповіді учнів.
Фізкульт хвилинка
8. Групова робота .
Now, I propose you to make up a story with key sentences.
Текст “At the stadium
Текст на компютері.  Учні читають текст в правильній послідовності .
Alec plays football very well. He is a member of school football team. Last year their team won the first place. They became champions and got a prize. So, this year they will try to play well too.
Mary schoolchildren are going to the stadium. They will see the competitions.
The girl’s team was not very good at volleyball. They took only the fourth places. But this year they have trained hard and they want to take the first place.
It is Sunday . Alec is going to the stadium. Today his school team will take part in competitions. There will be competitions in volleyball and football, running and jumping.

9. Let’s do some creative work and try to make the proverbs from the fragments . Find Ukrainian equivalents.
-This is for the first row – ( A healthy /mind /in /a healthy /body )
-for the second – (Health /is /better /than /wealth)
-for the third – ( Early / to bed /and early /to /rise)
T-I see you are so creative and good pupils.
10.Заключна частина .Підсумок. Оцінювання.
Thank you for your active work .We have done a lot and learned a lot about sports.  Let’s see how many prizes have you got? And count your grades. Open  your school record books  and  I’ll put all of you the marks ( учитель проходить рахує медалі і ставить оцінку) .While I will do this you should write down your  hometask: “Write a story about your favorite kind of sport.” The lesson is over . Good luck for you!
Додаткове завдання
Solve the riddles about sport (на компютер )
1) Favorite sport in England 8 letters (football)
2 ) A game similar to tennis, 9  letters ( badminton)
3) Sport on two wheels,7 letter (cycling)
4) Another name for table tennis, 8 letters ( ping-pong )
5) The queen of sport, 9 letters (athletics )

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